Mayhem Blog

Expert insights and tips on application security, API security, and other DevSecOps topics.

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Top 3 Takeaways: “Cloudflare TV’s Hacker Time"

Top 3 Takeaways: “Cloudflare TV’s Hacker Time"

On February 12, 2021, ForAllSecure CEO Dr. David Brumley joined Cloudflare’s Head of Product Security, Evan Johnson, to discuss all things software security, fuzz testing, capture-the-flags (CTFs), and cybersecurity certifications.
Mayhem for API ❤️ GitHub Code Scanning: Seamless DevSecOps for your REST APIs

Mayhem for API ❤️ GitHub Code Scanning: Seamless DevSecOps for your REST APIs

Our CLI runs on your dev machine and can scan local APIs. The central tool to develop software as a team is a Source Code Management system like GitHub.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Hacking Diversity

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Hacking Diversity

You’d think that having an amazing resume, a couple of bug bounties, or a CTF win would land you that dream infosec job. For many, though, that isn’t true. That’s why Tennisha Martin founded Black Girls Hack.
Testing Postman APIs with Fuzzing

Testing Postman APIs with Fuzzing

Postman Collections are a great way to document, test, and share your APIs. With Mayhem for API, you can squeeze even more testing out of your existing Postman collections.
The Hidden Cost of A 500 Internal Server Error

The Hidden Cost of A 500 Internal Server Error

API Fuzzing is technique where a comprehensive suite of inputs is generated to test an API. By using fuzzing techniques to generate inputs and observing the response from the application, an API fuzzer can quickly iterate through multitudes of test cases to find weakness in an API’s functionality or security.
Creating ForAllSecure’s Culture During A Pandemic

Creating ForAllSecure’s Culture During A Pandemic

With one year of remote work under our belt, it’s a good time to look back on what we have accomplished in the People space here at ForAllSecure.
P.S. I Love You: The One (Mayhem)
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P.S. I Love You: The One (Mayhem)

The To All The Tools I’ve Loved Before series reaffirmed that there’s true love still out there. How are Your Apps and Mayhem doing you ask? Find out in this sequel and final installment.
The Hacker Mind: Shellshock

The Hacker Mind: Shellshock

Shortly after OpenSSL’s Heartbleed, Shellshock was discovered lurking in two-decades old Bash code. How could open source software be vulnerable for so long? This episode looks at how open source projects have for the most part gone untested over time.
Why You Need Test and Evaluation (T&E)

Why You Need Test and Evaluation (T&E)

In part three of the series, I will discuss the role of test and evaluation in your organization.

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