Mayhem Case Studies

Expert insights and tips on application security, API security, and other DevSecOps topics.

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Uncovering a Hidden Shellcode Vulnerability

Uncovering a Hidden Shellcode Vulnerability

While experimenting with shellcode from a seemingly functional source, I discovered a hidden vulnerability. It took me a while to spot the problem. Can you?
Mayhem Makers: Ryan Goulden, Engineer 

Mayhem Makers: Ryan Goulden, Engineer 

“Mayhem Makers” is an employee Q&A series. This month, we talked with Ryan Goulden, an engineer on the Mayhem team, who joined the company in 2014.
Mayhem 2.6 is Now Available

Mayhem 2.6 is Now Available

Learn about some of the key new features of Mayhem 2.6, including faster coverage, intelligent CVSS, improved on-prem support, and more.
“MMM Wins The Superbowl Of Hacking!” But Just Who is MMM?

“MMM Wins The Superbowl Of Hacking!” But Just Who is MMM?

I know the secret story behind a group of some of the most skilled hackers in the world. Let me tell you how they came to be.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Defending Costa Rica From Conti Ransomware

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Defending Costa Rica From Conti Ransomware

Central and Latin America appear to be a new playground for bad actors testing new malware. But Central and Latin America are learning how to fight back.‍
How Mayhem Has Found Over 100,000 Defects in Code

How Mayhem Has Found Over 100,000 Defects in Code

Mayhem has found over 100,000 defects in code. In this blog post, we’ll discuss different techniques Mayhem uses to test code like a hacker and find defects at scale.
Debugging Matlab Code with Mayhem

Debugging Matlab Code with Mayhem

Use Mayhem to ensure your Matlab functions are reliable and secure, especially when deploying them on resource-constrained devices like microcontrollers or FPGAs.
Jailbreaking Teslas at Black Hat USA 2023

Jailbreaking Teslas at Black Hat USA 2023

At Black Hat USA 2023, a team of German researchers announced a vulnerability that allows anyone to jailbreak premium features that Tesla charges its customers extra to use.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Security Chaos Engineering with Kelly Shortridge

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Security Chaos Engineering with Kelly Shortridge

Speaking at Black Hat 2023, Kelly Shortridge is bringing cybersecurity out of the dark ages by infusing security by design to create secure patterns and practices. It’s a subject of her new book on Security Chaos Computing, and it’s a topic that’s long overdue to be discussed in the field.

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