Mayhem Case Studies

Expert insights and tips on application security, API security, and other DevSecOps topics.

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Why The Next-Generation Of Application Security Is Needed

Why The Next-Generation Of Application Security Is Needed

From driverless cars to cryptocurrency, software reimagines possibilities. With software standing at the core of everything we do, we find ourselves pushing out code faster than ever. As we continue to accumulate security debt and struggle to solve the cybersecurity workforce shortage, it becomes clear that we’re living on borrowed security time.
5 Steps to Securing Fuzz Testing Budget

5 Steps to Securing Fuzz Testing Budget

Integrating fuzzing as a part of your DevOps pipeline can deliver big results: security and development alignment, shortened feedback and testing cycles, and clear insight into what is -- and isn’t -- being tested. Here’s a tried-and-true 5 step checklist to help you get financial buy-in from your management chain.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Digital Forensics

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Digital Forensics

So you’ve been hit with ransomware and, for whatever reason, you paid the bitcoin but now the decryptor doesn’t work. Who are you going to call for help? Paula Januszkiewicz, from Cqure , joins The Hacker Mind to discuss her two presentations at SecTor 2021 on digital forensics.
10 Gifts for the Developer in Your Life
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10 Gifts for the Developer in Your Life

Are you looking for the perfect gift for the developer or engineer in your life? Look no further than these top ten gift ideas for the holidays!
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Hacking Behavioral Biometrics

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Hacking Behavioral Biometrics

AI is almost good enough at simulating human activity to defeat the biometric systems designed to fight fraud, effectively putting us back at square one. Iain Paterson and Justin Macorin join The Hacker Mind podcast to share insights from their SecTor 2021 talk on hacking behavioral biometrics.
Why Fuzz Testing Is Indispensable: Jarkko Lamsa

Why Fuzz Testing Is Indispensable: Jarkko Lamsa

I recently spoke to Gartner on the addition of fuzz testing to their Critical Capabilities for the Application Security Testing Magic Quadrant. In that conversation, one analyst shared that companies that implement fuzz testing programs never rip them out. Why? They’re just too valuable.
Jeff Moss on the Evolution of Hacking at SecTor 2021

Jeff Moss on the Evolution of Hacking at SecTor 2021

Jeff Moss, CSO ICANN and founder of DEF CON/Black Hat, gave the keynote speech at this year's SecTor in Toronto, Ontario, reflecting on the evolution of hacking.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Scanning the Internet

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Scanning the Internet

Traditional anti-malware research relies on customer systems but what if a particular malware wasn’t on the same platform as your solution software? Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé from ESET joins The Hacker Mind podcast to talk about the challenges of building his own internet scanner to scan for elusive malware.
Securing Your APIs

Securing Your APIs

In the age of SaaS applications and infrastructure, many architectures are designed around being API-first for managing data ingestion and retrieval. Unfortunately, with this ever increasing critical infrastructure most application testing solutions are not up to the challenge of testing APIs.

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