Mayhem Blog

Top Takeaways From The “Knowing The Unfuzzed And Finding Bugs With Coverage Analysis” Webinar

Top Takeaways From The “Knowing The Unfuzzed And Finding Bugs With Coverage Analysis” Webinar

ForAllSecure Researcher, Mark Griffin, introduces viewers to automated coverage analysis, a workflow that helps users gain additional value from fuzzing.
Uncovering OpenWRT Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-7982)

Uncovering OpenWRT Remote Code Execution (CVE-2020-7982)

ForAllSecure Researcher, Guido Vranken walks readers through his workflow for uncovering for OpenWRT remote code execution vulnerability.
Top 3 Trends At ShmooCon 2020

Top 3 Trends At ShmooCon 2020

Richard Bae, Director of Federal Solutions at ForAllSecure, shares the top 3 trends he and his team observed at ShmooCon 2020.
Top 3 Webinar Takeaways: “Continuous Fuzzing: The Trending Security Technique Among Silicon Valley's Tech Behemoths”

Top 3 Webinar Takeaways: “Continuous Fuzzing: The Trending Security Technique Among Silicon Valley's Tech Behemoths”

Dr. David Brumley, ForAllSecure CEO, demystifies a proven DevSecOps technique known as continuous fuzzing, and further details on how organizations can get started.
Uncovering Vulnerabilities In Open Source Libraries (CVE-2019-13499)

Uncovering Vulnerabilities In Open Source Libraries (CVE-2019-13499)

ForAllSecure Engineer Maxwell Koo walks readers through a technical case study on fuzzing open source libraries using FreeImage as an example.
ForAllSecure Uncovers Critical Vulnerabilities In Das U-Boot (CVE-2019-13103)

ForAllSecure Uncovers Critical Vulnerabilities In Das U-Boot (CVE-2019-13103)

ForAllSecure interns, Paul Emge and Zion Basque, uncover four vulnerabilities in Das U-Boot, a common bootloader on embedded devices, including Amazon Kindles, ARM Chromebooks, networking hardware, and more.
Will Autonomous Security Kill CVEs?

Will Autonomous Security Kill CVEs?

David Brumley, CEO of ForAllSecure, reflects on the current vulnerability disclosure process and assesses what must change in order to accommodate the rapid speed and scale at which new vulnerabilities are being discovered.
Software is Infrastructure

Software is Infrastructure

Mel Llaguno, ForAllSecure's Commercial Solutions Lead, introduces readers to a next-generation fuzz testing technique that combines two proven and accepted Application Security Testing techniques: guided fuzzing and symbolic execution.
Analyzing MATIO And stb_vorbis Libraries With Mayhem

Analyzing MATIO And stb_vorbis Libraries With Mayhem

Maxwell Koo, ForAllSecure Engineer, documents how he uncovered 8 previously unknown vulnerabilities after analyzing two open source libraries -- Matio and stb_vorbis -- utilizing Mayhem, a next-generation fuzzer.

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