Mayhem Case Studies

Expert insights and tips on application security, API security, and other DevSecOps topics.

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How to Integrate Mayhem for API Into Your CircleCI Pipeline

How to Integrate Mayhem for API Into Your CircleCI Pipeline

If you are using Circle CI for your build pipelines, you can now scan your APIs for security vulnerabilities by adding Mayhem's official orb.
3 Reasons Developers Should Learn to Test Like a Hacker

3 Reasons Developers Should Learn to Test Like a Hacker

Learn to "test like a hacker” by testing with the goal of generating exploitable defects, then using those to inform remediation efforts.
Meet Our Mayhem Heroes: Vishnu Prateek Kakaraparthi

Meet Our Mayhem Heroes: Vishnu Prateek Kakaraparthi

ForAllSecure hosted a hackathon at Arizona State University where 181 students, including Vishnu Prateek Kakaraparthi, participated as part of the Mayhem Heroes program.
The Hacker Mind Podcast: Crimeware As A Service

The Hacker Mind Podcast: Crimeware As A Service

The LockBit ransomware gang no longer offers just one service, like ransomware, but multiple services, like anti-analysis tools and bug bounty programs. Mick Baccio from Splunk’s SURGe explains how ransomware gangs are evolving into crimeware-as-a-service platforms, as one stop shop for all your online criminal needs.
Try API Fuzzing Easily With the Petstore API Demo

Try API Fuzzing Easily With the Petstore API Demo

Try API fuzzing with the Swagger Petstore API, a stand-alone REST API server that implements the OpenAPI 3 Specification. Learn how to fuzz the Pestore API!
How To Improve Successful Coverage with Mayhem for API

How To Improve Successful Coverage with Mayhem for API

Learn how to improve successful coverage with Mayhem for API by adding or refining schemas in the spec to generate structurally valid payloads.
Meet Our Mayhem Heroes: Bailey Capuano

Meet Our Mayhem Heroes: Bailey Capuano

ForAllSecure hosted a hackathon at Arizona State University where 181 students, including Bailey Capuano, participated as part of the Mayhem Heroes program.
Fuzzing the lighttpd Docker Image With Mayhem

Fuzzing the lighttpd Docker Image With Mayhem

Lighttpd is an open-source web server optimized for speed with considerations for compliance, security, and flexibility. Lighttpd 1.4.15 had a few vulnerabilities that have since been patched. Let's use Mayhem to sniff out those bugs.
Successful Coverage with Mayhem For API

Successful Coverage with Mayhem For API

Once authentication is configured, the next step is to ensure that Mayhem for API is able to successfully cover as much of your API as possible.

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