Mayhem Blog

Securing Your APIs

Securing Your APIs

In the age of SaaS applications and infrastructure, many architectures are designed around being API-first for managing data ingestion and retrieval. Unfortunately, with this ever increasing critical infrastructure most application testing solutions are not up to the challenge of testing APIs.
Fuzz in Your Language, Fuzzer, or Architecture!

Fuzz in Your Language, Fuzzer, or Architecture!

At ForAllSecure, we’re all about fuzzing and making it easier for customers to quickly fuzz and secure their applications. That’s why we’ve gone ahead and compiled a catalog of tutorial fuzzing targets written and compiled using several different languages (and architectures) like C/C++, Python, Go, Rust, Java and many others!
Fuzzing with Biden's Executive Order 14028

Fuzzing with Biden's Executive Order 14028

Following Biden's Executive Order 14028, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NISA) published the minimum recommendations for verification of code by developers. Mayhem can help both security engineers and developers validate many of these techniques.
Using Mayhem for API to Fuzz

Using Mayhem for API to Fuzz

I thought it’d be interesting to see what Mayhem produces in the hands of someone who knows the target API in and out -- my own.
Using Mayhem for API to Fuzz etcd

Using Mayhem for API to Fuzz etcd

Last week, I found and fixed two crashing bugs in etcd , the distributed key-value store used (among other things) to manage the state of kubernetes clusters. I’m excited to have been able to contribute a bit to such an excellent project!
Mayhem for API ❤️ GitHub Code Scanning: Seamless DevSecOps for your REST APIs

Mayhem for API ❤️ GitHub Code Scanning: Seamless DevSecOps for your REST APIs

Our CLI runs on your dev machine and can scan local APIs. The central tool to develop software as a team is a Source Code Management system like GitHub.
Testing Postman APIs with Fuzzing

Testing Postman APIs with Fuzzing

Postman Collections are a great way to document, test, and share your APIs. With Mayhem for API, you can squeeze even more testing out of your existing Postman collections.

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