Mayhem Blog

What Is A Divide By Zero Error?

What Is A Divide By Zero Error?

A divide by zero error is typically caused when a program attempts to divide a number by zero. This can happen in mathematical calculations, or when trying to parse data that contains invalid characters.
UNECE Vehicle Regulations: UN R155 & UN R156

UNECE Vehicle Regulations: UN R155 & UN R156

In mid-2021, the UNCE released new vehicle cybersecurity regulations in an effort to keep up with the rapid reliance of digitization within the automotive industry.
ISO 26262: The ISO Standard for Functional Safety

ISO 26262: The ISO Standard for Functional Safety

ISO 26262 is a standard for functional safety and automotive safety integrity level (ASIL) and an important measure for automakers and suppliers to stay on top of. In this post, you'll receive an overview of ISO 26262, steps you can take to comply with the standard, as well as the benefits of 26262.
ISO SAE 21434: Cybersecurity of Road Vehicles

ISO SAE 21434: Cybersecurity of Road Vehicles

This post will cover what ISO 21434 is, who it directly affects, and how interested parties can comply.
Getting Started with Vulnerability Scanning

Getting Started with Vulnerability Scanning

Unsure of where to start when it comes to vulnerability scanning? This article will introduce you to the basics and show you how vulnerability scanning can help improve your organization's security posture.
The Role of Functional Testing in Application Security

The Role of Functional Testing in Application Security

Learn about the importance functional testing plays in application security and how it can help ensure that newly introduced functionality does not introduce new vulnerabilities.
The Roles of SAST and DAST and Fuzzing in Application Security

The Roles of SAST and DAST and Fuzzing in Application Security

This blog post provides a general overview of the roles and importance of Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) and Static Application Security Testing (SAST) in Application Security Testing (AST), as well as how fuzzing fits into this picture.
5 Steps to Securing Fuzz Testing Budget

5 Steps to Securing Fuzz Testing Budget

Integrating fuzzing as a part of your DevOps pipeline can deliver big results: security and development alignment, shortened feedback and testing cycles, and clear insight into what is -- and isn’t -- being tested. Here’s a tried-and-true 5 step checklist to help you get financial buy-in from your management chain.
Why Fuzz Testing Is Indispensable: Jarkko Lamsa

Why Fuzz Testing Is Indispensable: Jarkko Lamsa

I recently spoke to Gartner on the addition of fuzz testing to their Critical Capabilities for the Application Security Testing Magic Quadrant. In that conversation, one analyst shared that companies that implement fuzz testing programs never rip them out. Why? They’re just too valuable.

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