Mayhem Blog

Leveraging Fuzz Testing to Achieve ED-203A / DO-356A

Leveraging Fuzz Testing to Achieve ED-203A / DO-356A

Aerospace must continually and proactively find and fix security and safety issues. Learn how to achieve DO-356A / ED-203A compliance.
Addressing the Spectrum of Risks

Addressing the Spectrum of Risks

In this blog, we’ll walk through the spectrum of risk and the types of solutions that are strongest at addressing each risks.
Why You Need Test and Evaluation (T&E)

Why You Need Test and Evaluation (T&E)

In part three of the series, I will discuss the role of test and evaluation in your organization.
The Risks In Using Third-Party Code

The Risks In Using Third-Party Code

Vulnerabilities can be inherited through your software supply chain, and it’s more common than we may like to admit.
Securing Your Software Supply Chain

Securing Your Software Supply Chain

Part one of a three-part series. Applications contain hundreds of code components. Applications are constructed similarly to automobiles: parts are sourced from multiple vendors to produce software that is then used by the consumer.
Back to the Fuzz: Fuzzing for Command Injections

Back to the Fuzz: Fuzzing for Command Injections

Some may remember NCSA HTTPd, a predecessor to Apache. However, what they might not know (but won't be surprised by!) is that it had plenty of bugs. Let's dive in and reproduce a classic command injection with fuzzing!
Useful Properties To Check With Fuzz Testing

Useful Properties To Check With Fuzz Testing

The is part three of a three part series on Property-based Fuzz Testing. This article lists a number of useful properties that are commonly used to validate the correctness and safety of code. If you are not sure how to apply property-based fuzzing to your code, this list should give you some inspiration.
What is Property-Based Fuzzing?

What is Property-Based Fuzzing?

Fuzzing is the automated process of finding software bugs by feeding random data into a target program until one of those permutations reveals a flaw. Property-based testing is a form of fuzzing. Property-based testing feeds random data into an application (or function) and detects flaws. It is particularly powerful as it allows developers to define and check custom correctness and safety policies, i.e. properties they define in their test.
How to Address Software Reliability, Security, and Quality Requirements with Fuzz Testing

How to Address Software Reliability, Security, and Quality Requirements with Fuzz Testing

Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are considered the three core principles of security. Similar to a three-bar stool, security falls apart without any one of these components. Learn how fuzz testing helps with the CIA triad.

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