Using Mayhem to Achieve ISO 21434 Compliance

Employing Mayhem to Meet ISO 21434 Standards

ISO 21434 is a critical cybersecurity standard created to mitigate risks that have come about with the increasing connectivity and software complexities of modern vehicles. ISO 21434, along with current trends in automotive security, calls for a proactive and comprehensive approach to address cybersecurity challenges. 

Building on the foundation laid by its predecessor, ISO 26262, which primarily focuses on functional safety, ISO 21434 specifically targets cybersecurity risks associated with the design and development of electronic systems in road vehicles. 

What is ISO 21434?

As the growing connectivity and software complexity of modern vehicles have led to growing cybersecurity challenges in the automotive industry. ISO 21434, titled “Road vehicles - Cybersecurity engineering”, is an international standard collaboratively developed by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) to serve as a crucial framework to address these challenges.

Building on the foundation laid by its predecessor, ISO 26262, which primarily focuses on functional safety, ISO 21434 specifically targets cybersecurity risks associated with the design and development of electronic systems in road vehicles.

In a nutshell, ISO 21434:

  • Provides comprehensive cybersecurity guidelines and requirements for organizations, including Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) and suppliers
  • Encourages a "security by design" approach
  • Outlines cybersecurity engineering requirements for the entire lifecycle of electrical and electronic systems in road vehicles
  • Provides a framework for processes and a standardized language to manage and communicate cybersecurity risks
  • Applies to series production road vehicle systems developed or modified after its publication in August 2021

The Impact of ISO 21434 on Cybersecurity Practices and Trends

ISO 21434 has had a profound impact on automotive development teams by shaping the way they approach cybersecurity, risk management, and the overall development lifecycle of connected vehicles. Compliance with ISO 21434 is essential for development teams to enhance the cybersecurity posture of their products and navigate the evolving landscape of connected and autonomous vehicles.

Recent trends in automotive security have seen: 

  • An increase in remote CVEs compared to physical CVEs
  • A predominant focus on peripheral vehicle components over the CAN Bus
  • One-third of the most common CWEs are on the SANS Top 25 list
  • Two-thirds of the most common CWEs are on the most recent OWASP Top 10 
  • Buffer overflows, replay, and Man-in-the-middle are the most common software attacks

In other words, most software vulnerabilities in the automotive space aren’t automotive-specific issues. Therefore, the best approach to automotive security encompasses the entire automotive supply chain and the associated service ecosystem.

To mitigate risk, organizations in the automotive sector should shift their focus from automotive-specific cybersecurity practices, such as CAN Bus fuzzing, to prioritizing the security of all software within and around vehicles. 

Using Mayhem to Address Key Areas of ISO 21434

Mayhem is an essential part of a successful ISO 21434 compliance program. By intelligently automating software test creation and execution, Mayhem helps teams identify and manage vulnerabilities as required in ISO 21434.

Mayhem helps teams deliver on ISO 21434 compliance in the following areas:

5.4 Tool Management

8.5 Vulnerability Analysis  

8.6 Vulnerability Management
10.4 Product Development
15.7 Attack Path Analysis

5.4 Tool Management

8.5 Vulnerability Analysis 

8.6 Vulnerability Management

10.4 Product Development

15.7 Attack Path Analysis

How Mayhem Can Help Automakers Comply With ISO 21434

ISO 21434 compliance is essential for automotive development teams, and Mayhem serves as a pivotal solution to address its key aspects. Mayhem goes beyond mere compliance, offering a comprehensive software security solution.

Equip your team with Mayhem to not only meet ISO 21434 requirements but to proactively safeguard your connected vehicles. Contact us today to elevate your automotive cybersecurity measures with Mayhem.

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